The Anesthesia Care Team Model is fundamentally comprised of Anesthesiologists, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) and Anesthesia Assistants (AAs) working hand-in-hand to provide the safest and most comprehensive anesthetic care. We believe that the combination of physician and advanced nursing skillsets are the best way to care for you during an anesthetic.

A physician will always interview you prior to your anesthetic and will be actively involved in your care. Part of this interview will include your medical history, any problems you may have experienced during surgery or anesthesia in the past, and a discussion of the anesthetic plan for your planned operation or procedure. You may also be interviewed by a CRNA. We take a collaborative approach to your anesthetic. Your individualized anesthetic plan may be based on recommendations from your surgeon, consideration of the scheduled surgery, and your health history and personal preferences. Your attending Anesthesiologist will finalize and direct your anesthetic. At all times during your anesthetic, a member of our care team will be at your bedside.